Thursday, October 11, 2007

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Just got word from Martie and Stan that my new 'people' are getting ready to pick me up and fly me to my new home in Florida next Thursday. I'm excited and a bit nervous since I've never flown in an airplane before.

Alan and Michael will be flying to Richmond next Wednesday Night, and will be staying overnight in Newport News. Martie is going to pack me up in my new Sherpa carrier (with one or two of my toys) and drive me part way to the airport where she and Alan and Michael will 'hand me off' so I can make my flight on time. I'm flying Business Class, but I'm not sure I know what that means, cause my only business right now is to 'do my business' and trade kisses for little food treats. Is that a business?

One of my two sisters has left for North Carolina. So its just me and the one sister now in our play pen (who is staying with the Parris pack - something about she becoming a model or something.) Who knows!

I'm getting more shots the day before I leave for Florida (enough already with the shots!) and someone is spreading a rumor about a bath. Hmm.

I wonder if I will be going to school in Florida, or will I be home schooled? So many questions!

Love, BB

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