Saturday, October 20, 2007

Love is a warm puppy...

Life is good. Puppy Buster B. is doing great and his appetite is back to full speed. He still pulls some of his food out of his bowl to eat a few inches or feet away, but he is a happy puppy and loves his Mother Hubbard chicken treats the best.

Buster is learning lots of new sounds (the washer, the dryer, the garbage disposal, the telephone, and the TV). Last night we watched lightning and felt a touch of rain together on the balcony where is potty grass is located.

Buster likes his den and his beds (he has more than one, of course!) and likes to play with us just about everywhere.

We love taking naps (frequent) together, and playtime is never too far in the future.

Michael and I get lots of puppy kisses and we both make comfortable resting spots for his chin.

Buster likes his car seat (he can look out) but also likes to be held during car rides. He likes to snuggle his chin in the opening of the sherpa-lined nest in the corner of the car seat.

We're planning on taking him to downtown Fort Pierce today to see the sights (not too too many) and to greet some people.

Tonight we are going to have some little grooming tasks done. I'm going to trim his little nails (just a tiny bit).

Yes, love is a warm puppy...


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